How to create a payout

  1. Go to Wallet management > Payouts.

  2. Click Payout above the table.

  3. Select the type of a wallet: mark the Enterprise wallet or Merchant wallet, and then click Proceed.

  4. In the dropdown, select a wallet from which the payment amount will be debited. Only wallets of the selected type are available.

  5. For payouts from Merchant wallets, select the payment currency. If the payment currency differs from the wallet currency, the exchange rate is displayed.

  6. Enter the payment amount: in the wallet currency — for Enterprise wallets, in the wallet or payment currency — for Merchant wallets. Alternatively, you can select a percentage of your wallet balance to automatically calculate the payout amount. Possible options: 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100%. If selecting 100%, the Fee is included toggle is activated by default. The amount to be credited to the receiver’s wallet is calculated as available wallet balance minus blockchain fee. After making the payout, your wallet will have zero balance. For ETH, BSC, and TRX blockchains, the resulting balance may be positive due to the floating blockchain fee value.

  7. Activate the Fee is included toggle to deduct the blockchain fee from the payment amount, the remaining part will be credited to the receiver’s wallet. For example, if the amount is 100 and the fee is 20, then 80 will be credited (100 – 20). If the toggle is inactive, the blockchain fee is additionally debited from your wallet.

  8. In the Address field, enter the destination address. You can save the entered address to your address book by activating the Save to address book toggle. Next time you can just pick it from the list by clicking From address book.

For XRP and XLM, you can’t transfer funds within the same blockchain wallet.

  1. Choose the blockchain fee mode and click Proceed. Refer to How to select the optimal blockchain fee to learn more about fee modes.

  2. If needed, specify the Advanced options and click proceed. You can set:

    • Label — a tag or name of your payout. This label is displayed in the payout list and can be used for a quick search. It can be any name convenient for you.

    • Tracking ID — an identifier to track the payout in external systems.

    • Callback URL — a URL to send a callback. You can add parameters to the URL: they can be useful for easier parsing of the callback body in external systems. In the final callback URL, the parameters are automatically replaced with the actual values. To add, click the templates link under the field or type them manually. The following templates are available:

      • #PID# — the payment identifier

      • #TRID# — the tracking identifier

      • #WID# — the wallet identifier

      • #TXID# — the blockchain transaction identifier

      • #CISO# — the currency code, as per ISO

      • #CUR# — the alphabetic code of a currency

      • #DID# — the payout identifier

    • Required block confirmations — the number of confirmations needed to receive an additional callback. If this field isn’t empty, two callbacks are sent: upon receiving the number of confirmations specified here and upon receiving the number of confirmations specified in the system settings.

    You can change these values anytime.

When creating a payout in XRP and XLM currencies, the additional Tag and Tag type fields appear in the form.

  1. Fill in the information about a payment receiver:

    1. Select the natural or legal person.

    2. Enter the name of a receiver.

    3. Enter the address of a receiver, as defined by postal services.

  2. Click Proceed to create the payout.

The newly created payout is now available in the payout list where you can monitor its status. Click the payout ID to access the details.

If your payout got stuck in the blockchain due to low fee paid, refer to How to speed up your payout by changing the blockchain fee to learn how to fix it.

Last updated