
On this page, you can view all swap and other balance operations related to your Swap wallets.

The content of the page is divided into tabs:

On this tab, you can view a history of swap operations between your Swap wallets.

The following information is provided about each operation:


The unique system identifier of a swap. This is a link to swap details.

This value is generated automatically at the moment of swap creation and can’t be changed.


The current status of a swap. Possible values:

  • Success — the swap has been successfully completed, balances of Swap wallets have been updated.

  • Failed — the swap hasn’t been completed due to some technical issues.

Wallet from

The identifier and currency of a debiting wallet.

Amount from

The swap amount, in the debiting wallet currency.

Wallet to

The identifier and currency of a crediting wallet.

Amount to

The swap amount, in the crediting wallet currency.


The currency pair.

The first currency in the pair is the currency in which the swap amount was specified.


The exchange rate of the first currency in the pair to the second currency, valid at the moment of a swap operation.


The date and time of swap creation.

Last updated