
Payout are payments, withdrawals, and transfers made from your wallets.

Key points

  • The system supports payouts in cryptocurrencies. For Merchant wallets denominated in fiat currencies, the system supports Bank withdrawal in fiat currencies with various options: one-time withdrawals and regular withdrawals of a fixed or floating amount.

  • For Enterprise wallets, the payment currency must always match the wallet currency. For Merchant wallets, the payment currency may differ from the wallet currency.

  • Payouts involving Enterprise wallets are always on-chain. Payouts between B2BINPAY Merchant wallets can be off-chain.

  • Each on-chain transaction requires a certain number of blockchain confirmations. This number is specified for each currency in the B2BINPAY Back Office. Until the required number of confirmations is received, the transfer is assigned the Unconfirmed status. When creating a payout, you can overwrite this setting by specifying the Required block confirmations value. In this case, the payment is assigned the Confirmed status once the specified number is achieved.

  • The processing speed of a transaction in the blockchain depends on the blockchain fee amount. You can choose the fee amount when creating a payout.

  • Information about new transfers associated with a payout can be sent to your system via a callback.

  • Each payout can be assigned a special identifier by which the related transactions can be tracked in an external system.

  • You can save frequently used addresses to the Address book to save up time when creating regular payouts.

Payout list

On this page, you can view a list of all payout from your wallets.

The following information is provided about each payout:


The unique system identifier of a payout. This is a link to payout details.

This value is generated automatically at the moment of payout creation and can’t be changed.


The date and time when a payout was created.


The tag or name assigned to a payout for easier locating it in the system.

This value is set when creating a payout and can be changed anytime.

Wallet type

The type of a wallet from which the payout was made.


The label or system identifier of a wallet from which the payout was made. This is a link to wallet details.


The blockchain address (abridged) of a receiver’s wallet. This is a link to the explorer.

Receiver (full)

The blockchain address (full) of a receiver’s wallet. This is a link to the explorer.


The current payout status. Possible values:

  • Waiting for approval — for a payout created by a user with the Withdrawal with approval role: the payout was created and awaits the approval.

  • Approved — the payout was approved.

  • Cancelled — the payout was cancelled.


The payment currency.

For Enterprise wallets, always the same as the wallet currency. For Merchant wallets, may differ from the wallet currency.

Tracking ID

The identifier assigned to a payout for easier locating it in external systems.

This value is set when creating a payout and can be changed anytime.


The payout amount, in the payment currency.

Charged amount

The payout amount, in the wallet currency, including commissions charged.


The date and time when the payout status was last updated.

Payout details

To access payout details, click a payout ID in the payout list.

In the upper part of the page, you can find essential information about the payout — click the chevron icon to expand it:

  • the payout identifier, label (if set), and current status

  • the information about your wallet: the wallet identifier, label (if set), type (E for Enterprise and M for Merchant), and current balance

  • the payment currency

  • the paid amount in the payment currency

  • the total commission amount charged for payout processing

  • the destination address

The information below is divided into tabs:

On this tab, you can access and change payout settings.


The tag or name assigned to a payout for easier locating it in the system.

Tracking ID

The identifier assigned to a payout for easier locating it in external systems.

Callback URL

The URL for callback notifications on new transactions.

Required block confirmations for callback

The number of confirmations needed to receive an additional callback.

If this field is not empty, two callbacks are sent: upon receiving the number of confirmations specified here and upon receiving the number of confirmations specified in the system settings. The corresponding transaction is assigned the Confirmed status as soon as the number of confirmations specified in this field is received.


The receiver type (natural or legal person) and name.


The receiver’s address, as defined by postal services.

See also:

Last updated