
Transfers are incoming or outgoing transactions made to or from your wallets, such as deposits, payouts, activation fees, payments for custom tokens processing, and so on. For a full list of possible types, refer to Transfer types.

Key points

  • The list shows all transactions, including cancelled, failed, and others.

  • In this section, you can’t create a new transaction.

  • For Enterprise wallets, the transaction currency always matches the wallet currency. For Merchant wallets, the transaction currency may differ from the wallet currency.

  • Transactions involving Enterprise wallets are always on-chain. Some transactions between B2BINPAY Merchant wallets can be off-chain.

  • Each on-chain transaction requires a certain number of blockchain confirmations. This number is specified for each currency in the B2BINPAY Back Office. Until the required number of confirmations is received, the transfer is assigned the Unconfirmed status.

  • Each deposit passes the AML check. The check is performed on the side of an AML provider connected using the B2BINPAY Back Office. If during the AML check a payment is considered suspicious (red), it’s assigned the Blocked status and is subject to further actions by the B2BINPAY Compliance department.

Transfer list

On this page, you can find a list of all transfers made to or from your wallets.

The following information is provided about each transfer:


The unique system identifier of a transfer. This is a link to transfer details.

This value is generated automatically at the moment of transfer creation and can’t be changed.


The date and time when a transfer was created.

Wallet type

The type of a wallet to or from which the transfer was made.


The transfer purpose. Refer to Transfer types for more details.

AML risk

The status of AML verification of a transfer. Possible values:

  • Checked — the transfer has successfully passed the AML check.

  • Pending — the AML check is in progress.

  • Failed — the AML check has failed, the transfer has been marked as red.

  • Unavailable — the AML check is unavailable for this transfer type.


The current status of a transfer. Possible values:

  • Cancelled — the transfer was cancelled due to security reasons or a transfer amount being too small.

  • Blocked — the transfer was considered suspicious during the AML check and is temporarily blocked until further Compliance verification.

  • Failed — the transfer has failed in the blockchain.

  • Created — the transfer has been created and is currently in the queue for processing, the status will be changed soon.

  • Unconfirmed — the transfer hasn’t yet received the required number of block confirmations.

  • Confirmed — the required number of block confirmations has been received and the transfer is completed.


The label or system identifier of a wallet to or from which the transfer was made. This is a link to wallet details.


The blockchain transaction identifier, the same as the transaction hash. This is a link to the explorer.


The payment currency.

For Enterprise wallets, always the same as the wallet currency. For Merchant wallets, may differ from the wallet currency.


The amount of a transfer, in the payment currency.

For deposits, this is the deposit amount with the B2BINPAY commission included. For payouts, this is the amount that will be credited to a receiver’s wallet.


The fee charged by B2BINPAY for transaction processing, in the payment currency.

Target commission

The fee charged by B2BINPAY for transaction processing, in the wallet currency.

Blockchain fee

The blockchain fee charged for processing an on-chain transaction, in the payment currency.


The current number of received confirmations in the blockchain.

Amount target

The total amount of a transfer, in the wallet currency.

Target currency

The wallet currency.


If the payment currency differs from the wallet currency, this is the exchange rate of the payment currency to the wallet currency, valid at the moment of transaction execution.

If the payment currency is the same as the wallet currency, this value is equal to 1.

Operation ID

For deposits and payouts, this is the unique operation identifier in the system. This is a link to operation details.

Transfer details

To access transfer details, click a Transfer ID in the Transfer list.

In the upper part of the page, you can find the essential information about the transfer:

  • the transfer identifier, current status, and AML check result

  • the information about your wallet to or from which the transfer was made: the wallet identifier, type (E for Enterprise and M for Merchant), label (if set), and current balance.

Below you can see the transfer details:


The transfer purpose. Refer to Transfer types for more details.

Created at

The date and time when a transfer was created.

Updated at

The date and time when a transfer status was last updated.


The blockchain transaction identifier, the same as the transaction hash. This is a link to the explorer.


The payment currency.

For Enterprise wallets, always the same as the wallet currency. For Merchant wallets, may differ from the wallet currency.


The total amount of a transfer, in the payment currency.

Amount target

The total amount of a transfer, in the wallet currency.

This field is only visible if the payment currency differs from the wallet currency.


The B2BINPAY fee charged for transaction processing, in the payment currency.

Target commission

The fee charged by B2BINPAY for transaction processing, in the wallet currency.

Blockchain fee

The blockchain fee charged for transaction processing, in the payment currency. Applicable only for on-chain transactions.


The current number of received confirmations in the blockchain. Applicable only for on-chain transactions.


The exchange rate of the payment currency to the wallet currency, valid at the moment of the transaction execution.

This field is only visible if the payment currency differs from the wallet currency.


The callback status. Applicable only for deposits and payouts. Possible values:

  • Not needed — the Confirmations needed field wasn’t specified for an associated deposit or payout.

  • Sent — the callback is sent.

  • Not sent — the callback hasn’t yet been sent (not enough confirmations received yet).

Operation ID

The unique operation identifier in the system. Applicable only for deposits and payouts. This is a link to operation details.


Any comment for an operation made via the B2BINPAY Back Office.

Replace by fee

This option is available for payouts that got stuck in the blockchain due to a low fee amount. It allows you to change the blockchain fee amount. As a result, the existing payout will be assigned the Failed status, and a new payout will be created, with the new fee value.

Last updated