
Wallets are your B2BINPAY accounts denominated either in crypto or in fiat currency.

Key points

  • B2BINPAY offers two types of wallets: Enterprise and Merchant.

  • Enterprise wallets can be denominated in any crypto currency supported by B2BINPAY. Fiat currencies aren’t supported for the Enterprise wallets. Such wallets have their own addresses. All transactions involving Enterprise wallets are executed on-chain.

  • Merchant wallets are virtual wallets. These wallets don’t have their own addresses; instead, a deposit address is generated for each deposit made to such a wallet. The Merchant wallets can be denominated in fiat currencies and cryptocurrencies supported for Merchant wallets. Transactions between B2BINPAY Merchant wallets can be executed off-chain. You can withdraw fiat funds from your fiat Merchant wallets using a Bank withdrawal.

  • The wallet currency is selected during the wallet creation and can’t be changed afterwards.

  • You can create numerous Enterprise and Merchant wallets.

  • You can grant access to your wallets to other users so that they can perform balance operations depending on assigned roles.

  • Activation fee is required for Enterprise wallets denominated in ETH, XRP, XLM, or BNB currencies. You can activate such wallets by depositing funds from your Merchant wallets.

  • Wallets denominated in tokens require parent wallets. The parent wallet must be an Enterprise wallet created in the same blockchain as the token. Commissions for token processing are deducted from the parent wallet. Each parent wallet can serve as the parent for a single token wallet, it’s not possible to link two token wallets to the same parent wallet.

  • Enterprise wallets in the ETH and BNB-BSC blockchains can be duplicated. For example, for your wallet in ETH, an identical wallet and contract in BNB-BSC can be created. This feature can be useful if clients mistakenly send funds to the wrong blockchain. Each wallet can only be duplicated once.

  • You can stake funds on TRX wallets to gain TRON blockchain resources and save on blockchain fees.

Wallets list

On this page, you can view a list of all your Enterprise and Merchant wallets created in the system.

The following information is provided about each wallet:


The wallet currency.

This value was selected when creating a wallet and can’t be changed.


The tag or name assigned to a wallet for easier locating it in the system.


The unique system identifier of a wallet. This is a link to wallet details.

This value was generated automatically when creating a wallet and can’t be changed.

Wallet type

The type of a wallet: Enterprise or Merchant.

This value was selected when creating a wallet and can’t be changed.


The balance available for financial operations.


The sum of all deposit- and payout-related transactions that haven’t yet received the required number of confirmation blocks. This value is positive for incoming and negative for outgoing transactions. This balance can’t currently be used for financial operations.


The current status of a wallet. Possible values:

  • Active — the wallet has been activated (if required) and can be used.

  • In progress — the wallet is now being registered in the system or requires the activation and currently unavailable.

  • Not active — the wallet hasn’t been activated due to some technical or blockchain issues.


In this column, you can click the gear icon to navigate to the Wallet details page.

Wallet details

To access wallet details, click a wallet ID or the gear icon in the wallet list.

In the upper part of the page, you can find essential information about your wallet — click the chevron icon to expand it:

  • the wallet identifier and status

  • the wallet currency

  • for wallets denominated in tokens, the parent wallet

  • the available balance

  • the pending balance

  • for Enterprise wallets, the wallet address; for wallets denominated in XRP, the address type is additionally available for selection:

    • Address — the deposit address; the destination tag should be additionally specified for sending funds.

    • X-address — the deposit address with the destination tag included in it. No need to specify the destination tag additionally.

The following content of the page is divided into tabs:

On this tab, you can access and change wallet settings. The content on this tab differs for Enterprise and Merchant wallets.


The tag or name assigned to a wallet for easier locating it in the system.

This value is set when creating a wallet and can be changed anytime.

Minimum transfer amount

For Enterprise wallets only.

The minimum amount of the incoming transfer, in the wallet currency.

Payments below the specified amount are automatically rejected. This can be useful if the transaction blockchain fee exceeds the transaction amount. In this case, you can see a new transfer with the Cancelled status on the Wallet management > Transfers page; the callback isn’t sent. You will also receive a notification on the Events page, where you can confirm and accept such transfers manually.

Notification addresses

The comma-separated list of email addresses to which notifications about new transactions are sent.

Customer support emails

The comma-separated list of your customer support email addresses. These emails are displayed on the Payment page, so that your clients and payers can send help requests. If not specified, such requests are sent to the Owner’s email address.

Site URL

For Merchant wallets only.

The link to your landing page or any other resources.

Regular withdrawals

For Merchant wallets denominated in fiat currencies only.

In this section, you can create a one-time or regular bank withdrawal.

Access rights

In this section, you can grant access to your wallet to other users and manage permissions.

Delete wallet

This section is available only for the wallet Owner. Here you can delete your wallet.

Mind that only wallets with zero balances can be deleted. For wallets with non-zero balances, you first need to transfer funds to other wallets.


For Enterprise wallets in the ETH, BNB-BSC, MATIC, and AVAX blockchains only.

This option allows you to copy your wallet blockchain address and contract to another blockchain. This way you can prevent sending funds to a wrong blockchain by mistake on behalf of a sender. You can duplicate each wallet only once.

See also:

Last updated