Unconfirmed transfers
The outgoing transfer is stuck in the Unconfirmed status.
I encountered the Insufficient funds on parent wallet event.
Possible reasons
These issues may occur due to:
The fee amount being to low (for payouts).
The parent wallet lacks funds for accepting payment in tokens (for deposits).
Stuck payouts
The confirmation time for a transaction varies depending on the blockchain used, paid fees, and network load. For example, Bitcoin transactions typically take around 10 minutes to confirm, while Ethereum transactions are confirmed in about 12 seconds. You can find the required numbers of block confirmations for different currencies here.
If a transaction remains at zero confirmations for a long time, it may indicate the transaction fee was too low. In such cases, you can either wait for network fees to decrease, or resubmit the transaction with a higher fee to accelerate processing. For details, refer to How to speed up your payout by changing the blockchain fee.
Insufficient funds on parent wallet
When receiving payments to your token wallet, commissions are deducted from the linked parent wallet. If the parent wallet lacks sufficient funds to cover these commissions, the payment will not be processed until it's replenished.
Here are several steps that can help you handle it.
Identify the parent wallet
Locate the transfer on the Wallet management > Events page. You can filter events by the Insufficient funds on parent wallet type to identify all unconfirmed transfers.
Click the deposit ID in the Operation ID column to access the deposit details.
In the deposit details, find the information about your token wallet to which the deposit was made and click its ID to access the wallet details.
In the token wallet details, find the link to its parent wallet and click it to access the details.
Retry the transfer
Check the deposit status on the Wallet management > Transfers page. You can identify it by filtering transfers by the Direct deposit to wallet address type. The status should update to Confirmed.
Once the deposit is successfully credited to your parent wallet, go back to the Wallet management > Events page.
Click the Retry button for the corresponding event to process the transaction.
If after successful replenishing of the parent wallet the Retry button is unavailable (grayed out), contact the Support Team for further assistance.
See also:
Last updated
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