Events are system notifications that require your attention or action.
Some actions can only be performed by users with the Owner and Admin roles.
Event list
On this page, you can find a list of all events logged in the system. The number of new notifications is displayed on the counter near the Events menu item.
The following information is provided about each event:
The unique system identifier of an event.
The date and time when an event was logged in the system.
The date and time when an event was last updated.
The event type. Refer to the Event types section below for details.
Operation ID
For events related to deposits or payouts, this is the unique operation identifier in the system. This is a link to deposit or payout details.
The action button(s) applicable for this event type.
Event types
In the table below, you can find descriptions of all system events.
, M
A hasn’t been sent by the system due to some technical reasons.
Click the Resend button to send the callback.
Payout approve
, M
A payout was created by a user with the Withdrawals with approval role.
Approve or cancel the payout.
Overpaid deposit
A deposit with the indicated amount got overpaid.
Transfer to expired deposit
Funds were sent to an expired deposit.
Insufficient funds on parent wallet
Not enough funds on a for accepting tokens to your wallet address.
Insufficient funds for payment for a custom token
Not enough funds on a to pay a monthly fee for your .
Top up the parent wallet and then click the Retry button.
Transfer amount is less than required minimum
, M
A transfer received with the amount less than Minimum transfer amount set for the wallet.
Duplicated blockchain deposit
, M
A deposit was created in a specific currency and subsequently paid in a different currency, resulting in its duplication on another blockchain. This duplicated deposit lacks the Tracking ID and Callback URL from the original deposit.
Click the Edit data button to add the Tracking ID and Callback URL to the duplicated deposit.
Last updated
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